Saturday, May 21, 2011


I wish what I did on Tuesday was new and more exciting but in all reality it was just more meetings and sitting on the beach.

That night we were invited to Cherie Cheri, a club on the beach, and several of the crew ended up there.  Before a whole bunch of us ended up there Amy and I decided to go for a nice quiet drink at an outside bar.  They have table set up in the street and very cheap drinks so we had a couple there by ourselves, I think we were both grateful for the solitude and then headed to Cherie Cheri.  C.C. was unlike any club I've been in because there was this huge room with a fully made bed in it and the room next to it had a lion claw bathtub.  A non-working one so that people were sitting and taking pictures in it.  It was an odd set up but still a very fun night.  Halfway through the even fireworks were set off over the water and there were just amazing.  Unlike any firework display that I have seen in Wisconsin.  Amy and I got out picture taken while we were there and then, like a home-body, I headed home.  Knowing that I have such a long, lonely walk home that it hinders me from going all out at night.  Which in all honesty is fine by me!

At the Petit Majestic

At Cherie Cheri, sponsored by Chivas
Because we were bored?  Or because we are amazing?

Manic Monday

And it was in every sense of the word.

For Falcon-Pro we had two meetings in the morning with people who knew Henri from previous Cannes Film Festivals and one with a potential producer on further projects.  The second one I thought was the coolest because he is actually coming to NYC soon to film a movie and will be handling the auditions, so I may have an in to another movie that way by having this meeting today.  That is the one problem with coming here with Henri, is that I can't just be out here to promote myself, it is strictly working with Falcon-Pro.  So I have limited time to test the waters with agents, directors and producers about having potential acting gigs with them.  But having said that, I still have met a great many of contacts so I really shouldn't be complaining.

After the meetings we had a press conference with the Netherlanders to discuss the movie and they got to interview some of the actors that showed up.  Obviously I wasn't interviewed because my part was so small and because I am not a well known Dutch or American actor.  But I hope one day for that to be me!

Then the first industry screening of Amsterdam Heavy took place at 4 p.m.  Having already seen it and since it wasn't a red carpet screening or anything, I opted not to go because I wanted there to be room for buyers and distributors for the film.  And the thought of watching myself again didn't interest me so I went back to my apartment until we had to be ready for the post-screening party.  We held the Amsterdam Heavy Party on the beach at one of the pavilions and a lot of the actors that I worked with in Holland were there so it was great to catch up and see everyone again.  One of the girls actually was handing her shirt around to the actors to get them to sign it, and she actually asked me to sign it as well.  Pretty cool!

Amy and I on the beach @ Amsterdam Heavy Party

Rough Life

There's my autograph on a t-shirt!

Popping champagne to celebrate

The producers at Funny How Films being interviewed
Later that night we had every intention of going to the Chopard party.  We even convinced one of the festival drivers to come pick us up from our villa and take us there.  But he was actually a really nice guy and we had a couple drinks with him at a restaurant and he ended up dropping us off in the official car at the VIP room.  If I haven't mentioned this yet I will now.  The new interns are AMAZING at getting into places where they are not invited.  They have a way of talking to the guard, sneaking on a yacht or just owning their confidence to get into any party.  I wish I had that kind of no-holds-bar confidence that didn't conflict with my moral compass.  But I guess that is why I normally consider myself a "home-body" because I would rather sit at home in my pajamas then feel out of place at any party.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Time to reboot.

So I have left you all with me having a bum eye and no camera.

Today it is Sunday, a day to recoup and cleanse the system.  The medicine that Celine gave me worked like a miracle and now my eye is almost back to normal.  But I called the club we were at the the South African party and he said they combed the beach and did not find my camera.  I was devastated.  I was no resolved to the idea that I had lost my camera and it wasn't coming back.

Probably 10 minutes after I had committed myself to this idea, I get an email.  One of Vince's friends that came with us to the South African party had emailed me that she found my camera!! I believe at this point I was running around Celine's apartment whooping with joy.  I couldn't believe my luck, she told me that someone found it in the sand 10 minutes after I had left to go home, and when she saw someone with it she said that she knew who it belonged to and kept it safe for me.

On Sunday I was now not feeling as crappy as I did when Saturday night came to a close.  But I still had work to do so I called Henri and told him that I was going to be working from Celine's house that day because my eye was still not 100% and I didn't want sand from the beach making it worse.  And working at Celine's house was awesome because I didn't have to walk anywhere, Celine ended up making dinner and the MOST AMAZING dessert for me, and then I went to bed early.  It was honestly the most relaxing day and when I realized how happy I was at the complete lack of going out I did (aka partying) and getting to stay home and watch CSI in french on Celine's TV.  I realized that I was definitely like my mom :)

There were no pictures from that day.  One)  I looked like crap.  Two)  I didn't shower  Three) I looked like crap.  But if you want to imagine what I looked like and how I felt, this picture pretty much sums it up.

Pirates of the Caribbean Red Carpet Night


There were so many things to do today that I am surprised that I stayed awake for it all.

I got up really early this morning so I could go down and get a Red Carpet Ticket to the World Premiere of Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides.  I got down to the young actors' corner at 8:30 and was number 5 on the list.  Which is somewhat of a feat because the whole building itself doesn't open until 9 in the morning so I had to do a little sneaking in to get in there before the big rush of people.  But you see I wasn't the only one if I was number 5 to sign up on the list.  So I was clearly not the first one to break the rules.

After I signed my name at 8:30 I had to sit around until ten, which was when they actually released the available tickets for that night.  It went a lot faster than the first time I stood in line at the desk because I actually knew people standing in line so I didn't have to wait there all by myself.

One of the people I was talking to in line was Vincent van Ommen.  He was actually in Amsterdam Heavy with me and since we were both going to the red carpet we decided that we should just go together.  It turned out to be a lot more than I bargained for.

When I got my ticket at ten I headed down to the International Pavilions, where I usually spend my day, and was working on my computer in the Media Pavilion.  I only worked until 3 because I wanted to make sure that I had plenty of time to get back to my apartment, shower, change, and look fabulous before heading back down to the red carpet.  I was also really excited about the red carpet because I had bought this amazing red carpet dress last year that I didn't get a chance to wear because it didn't arrive in time.  But now was my chance to wear this dress and walk the famous red carpet.

This is where the problems started happening.

I am just about ready.  My hair was cooperating with me so I thought it looked good, my dress looked nice and the shoes I was planning on wearing were comfortable.  Just as I am about to leave the apartment, it starts to rain.  And not just a light sprinkling of rain, a massive heavens-are-falling-apart type of rain.  Trying not to panic I called Celine and asked her whether or not she was going to be home soon, I was kind of banking on her giving me a ride if she was home.  She said that she wouldn't be home for an hour, which at this point would have made me very late for the red carpet.  So still not panicking I tried to find a number for a taxi that would pick me up and take me, but that was a fail as well.  By this time, fortunately, the rain had eased up a bit so it wasn't so bad but, unfortunately, it was now 5:15 and the red carpet would close at 6:00 and I still had a half hour walk which would most likely turn into a forty minute walk because I would now have to wear heels, carry an umbrella, carry my purse, and keep my floor-length dress in my hands because I didn't want it to get wet on the long walk.  I would have cried if I knew it wouldn't have ruined my makeup.

So I started on the long, tedious, wet walk to the Lumiere Theatre.  I got stares of laughter, pity and empathy.  It was awful.  But the closer I got the the Theatre the less it seemed to be raining, but no matter how high I held my dress, it was still getting wet.

I had finally made it to the entrance to the red carpet and I was sweaty from the brisk walk.  Now I had to wait for Vince, who had called me twice on the walk down but i couldn't answer because my arms were full and there was no way I was letting my dress run into any puddles.

Walking the red carpet was a lot more difficult than I thought.  Vince had all these tricks and which cameras to look into and he was directing me the entire way.  When I see the pictures that Vince got from his publicist I am sure I will look tense and uncomfortable but it was an experience in itself. 

Right in front of us on the red carpet was Robert DeNiro and coming up five minutes behind us was Jude Law and Johnny Depp and Penelope Cruz.  Pretty surreal.

But when it all came down to it, the carpet was fun and seeing all the people was great but what I really wanted to do was see the movie.  But since Vince told me to meet so close to curtain time, by the time we got in there, our seats were given away because they overbooked the theatre.  I was devastated, and I even tried pleading with the doorman just to let me in but he said I would have to go into the next theatre where they were sending all the other late arrivals to see the movie in the smaller theatre.  I would have sat and watched it but Vince said he had a whole bunch of parties to go to so I felt that I should go with him.  Which turned out to be good because I met some really cool and funny people, but I really would have loved to see the Pirates movie because that series is just so entertaining to me.

So I met up with these friends for drinks, and then we went to a place called "Pepperoni" which had the most delicious 5-cheese ravioli I had ever tasted. 

By then it was time to meet up with the "Amsterdam Heavy" crew at the South African party and that turned out to be A LOT of fun.  There was so much dancing and singing that I totally forgot about my little disappointment early on.

But today it seemed that when things started to look up, something had to come and bring them down.  By a curse from a higher power, my right eye started doing things it had never done before.  It turned bright red and just started watering the whole night, same thing goes for my right nostril.  I am sure I looked like a freak of nature.  And then I lost my camera.  Somewhere in the midst of trying to hold my dress up while dancing I lost it in the sand. 

I left the party feeling sick and rather depressed.  What I had hoped to be one of my best nights in Cannes was rapidly becoming one of the worst.  When I got home Celine helped me with the eye problem because she said she had something like this happen to her and she had some medicine to give me.  Well see how this turns out tomorrow.  But here are some pictures of my night!

Getting a picture of me and my dress.

People waiting outside in the rain to watch the Red Carpet

Jude Law

3D glasses for Pirates of the Caribbean

Jamie and I

Here you can see the red eye happening in the right :(


There is no concept of time here in Cannes.  If I didn't have a calendar with me all I would know is that when the sun is up I am meant to be working on the beach and when the sun is down I am meant to be dressed up and partying around the Croisette.  So yes, after some double checking I realized that today was Friday.

I promised Celine, my roommate, that we would go out tonight.  So after a whole day of meetings and sun I had to muster up the energy to get ready for a night to go out with Celine.  I wanted to make sure that she had a good night because she has done so much for me since I've been in France, I mean real gone above and beyond anything I could have hoped for in a random roommate.

Since we didn't have any invites to any parties this night, I told her to just get ready, look good, and that we would walk around and see which beach parties we could get into.

We started off at the Carlton Hotel, which is probably the best hotel on the beach.  From what I understand it is where all of the celebrities stay and for a glass of champagne there it costs 25 euros.  Needless to say I didn't have a drink there with Celine but we went in there to see a couple of the new interns who were sitting at the bar.  They received intelligence that The Carlton Hotel was were Brad and Angelina were staying, so they were very intent on seeing him there.  That really wasn't what I had in mind for mine and Celine's night so after that we met up with Amy (you'll remember her from my Amsterdam posts) and the three of us headed over to the Martinez Hotel which is further down the beach but a couple of the old interns were having a drink there.  Celine was so ecstatic to be in the Martinez because you aren't allowed in there during the festival unless you have a badge for the festival.  So it is somewhat exclusive in there but you still have to pay for drinks.  So we took some pictures in there and decided to go to a party that had an open bar.

We heard that the annual Abu Dabi party was happening on the beach so Celine and I broke off from all of the ladies and decided it would be easier to get in if we weren't in a group of 10 girls.  We were waiting outside the gates of the party for maybe ten minutes when, in all honesty, this creepy guy was standing inside the gates and he kept staring at Celine and I.  Normally this kind of behavior would send me running but if it was a way into the party, I decided to take the bait.  I went over and started talking to him and he asked us if we were coming to the party, after telling him that we would love to come but we didn't have any invitations.  After hearing this he opened the metal gate to let us in.  We later learn that he was the main person at this party but seeing as I am not all that into the Bollywood scene, I kind of missed that. 

But as we were walking down the stairs to the party, Celine is poking me in the back and squealing because she is so excited to be in.  So much for playing it cool but I was glad she was happy to be there.

There was a lot of dancing and sitting on the beach in giant beach bag beds.  Later in the night, the guy who let us in invited us into the VIP section and Celine and I were smoking hookah and chatting with the people in there.  It was a fun night and Celine managed to take one of the wine glasses home as a souvenir.

 Au Revoir!


Saturday, May 14, 2011

Have I mentioned how beautiful this place is?

Before I continue to update my fellow readers (Mom and Grandmas) on my daily escapades at the frenzy of a festival, I need to take a moment to just paint a literary picture of how absolutely amazing the view is here.  The Riviera is sand and water like any beach you can imagine but what makes it different is the stark blue crystal waters and on the horizon for 180 degrees of periphery you can see these amazing mountains on the islands across the way and you turn around to look up on the mainland and see a vast incline of villas and foliage.  This place feels like it has been entombed in a time capsule.  And here in Cannes we are sitting in a valley of perfection surrounded by some of God's greatest accomplishments.

So there was that literary picture painting I was telling you about but because I love you all so much I feel pictures would be just as incredible with my dinky camera.  Enjoy!

Amazing isn't it?

So day two of Cannes 2011.  I spent most of my day in the European Media Pavilion.  One because they have free orange juice and two because that's where several of the "Amsterdam Heavy" crew members hang out.  But when I wasn't there working on my computer, which stinks lugging around considering I have a twenty minute walk to get to the Palais, I was at the Fujifilm Terrace which gives out free Vitamin Water.  I love free things.  But the Fujifilm Terrace is located in the Martinez Hotel and each time I have been on my way up to the terrace I have seen a celebrity.  On the first day I saw Owen Wilson and on the second day I saw Rosario Dawson.  In all reality I should hang out there more often but it is a bit of a walk from the International Village and I need to be near the meeting places I have set up for Henri so...yeah.

It is really nice working with Henri on "Blisster" and not being specifically tied down to "Amsterdam Heavy" because they have eight interns working for them and they have to be up really early and when it's time to go to parties they can't all get in because there is so many of them.  But with Henri, it is just me and him working together so on the second night we were meant to go to the Marche party, director and producer party, Henri was able to get me a ticket, but as for the interns, they had to try and find and alternative way of getting into the party.

The party was amazing.  There were 8 tables of food and 2 tables of desserts.  Granted I spent most of my time at the dessert tables but still the food was amazing.  And like almost all the parties in Cannes, the liquor and champagne are free and it is encouraged to drink as much as humanly possible.  So if last night I was well behaved, this night was the exact opposite.  So like I was saying, the food and the drink were amazing at the Marche party but there was no dancing and the mood of the whole party was rather dull.  So we decided to talk a boat driver into taking us to this yacht out in the Riviera that had flashing lights and looked like a good time.  And a good time certainly was had by all.  There was music and dancing and we had amazing hosts.  Connected to the yacht was an "island" of sorts that had palm trees and sand and a pool.  We stayed out there until 5 in the morning.  It was a fun night but ridiculously draining.  It was enjoyable but I can definitely not have these kinds of nights every night.  Again I share with you some photos from that night:

All for now.

Love you all.


I'm Back, and this time I'm in CANNES!!!

Sorry to the few of you who read this blog that I kind of left a cliff hanger ending on my posts from Amsterdam.  To sum it up, we finished the movie, I had a great time, got home safely, life back home was uncomfortably normal and now I am in Cannes for the festival.  Yes, I think that rounds it out nicely.

So my job in Cannes....

When I got back to the states from Amsterdam I kept in touch with the 1st Assistant Director from Amsterdam Heavy who also lives in New York.  He was looking to get a feature film that he had been working on, on its feet and ready to be screened at Cannes.  I then volunteered to help him do Public Relations for the film and keep him organized through the whole crazy process that is the Cannes Film Festival.

There were a few hurdles that had to be overcome before I could announce to my friends and family that I was indeed going to the festival again this year.  I needed a place (cheap) to stay, being a starving artist and all, and a badge to get into the festival.  For the first problem I visited couchsurfing.orf, a great website that hooks up fellow travelers with eager hosts in other countries and I managed to find the greatest contact in Cannes.  Her name was Celine and I gathered from our many chats on skype that she was a nice, fun and easy going person.  So my place of residence was set.  The badge was a but more difficult to come by because I didn't direct a feature or a short film so I couldn't go claiming that I deserved a badge because I didn't do that and the other way was to be part of the press, clearly not me either and the third was to claim myself as an actress.  Well the third option was the most realistic but certainly not going to be easy.  To date I have acted in exactly ONE film and I can be seen on film for a total of ten minutes.  But with my gift for spin and this uncanny luck that I sometimes posses, they accepted me as an actor in the festival.  I can also attribute this to someone being drunk when they were choosing people to be actors.

So now I had a place to stay, and access to the festival.  All I needed to do was book a plane ticket and be prepared not to sleep for two weeks when I got here and plan on sleeping very little before the festival trying to get paperwork and press releases in order.

So now the festival is upon me and things are already moving at a rapid pace.  It is work every day on the beach making phone calls, sending emails, and setting up meetings.  By night it is parties and networking. Sleep is a luxury that no one can afford here.

For the opening night of Cannes I managed to get two tickets to the Red Carpet event.  Even though I am with a gaggle of people, everyone was more set on trying to get into parties rather than seeing the movie, so I took my spare ticket and found a lovely woman named Sara looking for a ticket and I told her it was hers but the only catch was that she had to sit next to me and take a picture of me on the red carpet.  Nothing like baiting a person to do what you want.  But here is the picture from my first red carpet!

That night I did not attend any raucous parties, just met up with a small group of people at a bar, had one glass of champagne and headed home.  It was a fun yet oddly relaxing night and if every night goes the way this one did, I remain happy, healthy, and well rested for the duration of Cannes.