Hello my lovelies! Have you missed me? Sorry that it has been so long since I've last updated you all but I am taking the time to sit down with a giant cookie and tell you all about it!
Today was an early start day, well it was eight o'clock but it sure felt early. The few of us that were staying at the Rembrandtplein Hotel thought that we were getting picked up from the hotel at 7:30 in the morning because that was what the callsheet said. Like a lot of the things on this set there was a misunderstanding, we were meant to walk to set. This task wasn't that difficult but because it was early in the morning, I wasn't happy with this change of plans. I walked to set with Arie van Dam, our camera operator, Marie, our gaffer and all around doll and Chloe, the gymnast from Belgium who is playing one of Gunter's body guards in the movie. It took us about fifteen minutes to walk to our intended destination.
Our aforementioned destination was a place called "The Supperclub." Now I don't know what Supperclub means to the rest of the world but in Wisconsin it means family dinners on over-sized wooden and round tables covered in a checkered table cloth or no tablecloth at all where high school age students who comprise the wait staff ask you if you would like the fried fish or baked fish for your all you can eat fish fry. Apparently that description only pertains to the Wisconsin area. In Amsterdam, the Supperclub is a super niche restaurant that has no tables, only beds. Yes, that is not a typo, they serve their meals from white beds with red curtains to enclose them with bed trays to hold the food. I don't know about you but I can't even keep my clothes clean throughout the day without spilling food on them, I can't even begin to imagine how a restaurant keeps their white beds pristine when they serve dinner to hundreds of people every night. They must not serve ribs I'm assuming. The room with the white beds is on the first floor, as you make your way down the stairs from the dining room/bedroom you run into the bathroom. Seeing as this place doesn't follow what I would consider normal decorum, the bathrooms are clearly not just boringly labeled "Male" and "Female." The bathrooms are separated into "Hetero" and "Homo" classifications. Interpret that as you wish. Past the bathrooms in the basement you make your way to a room that has a black padded wall with hooks in the middle of each pad. On several of the hooks you will find handcuffs and other paraphernalia. There are also two beds that mysteriously appear our of the walls. I wouldn't even want to sit on these beds let alone eat off of them. Hygiene not included.
The holding room for makeup and costumes was meant to be in the homo bathroom but with enough complaining by the wardrobe department, it was moved four stories up to the office of the Supperclub. The new holding was nice and warm and no one used it as a bathroom, so it was a nice change for wardrobe and makeup. But for me it was a pain in the ass, literally. I was now responsible to run up and down the four flights of exposed metal stairs once every five minutes. Now that is a leg and butt workout if I've ever experienced one.
Another annoying this today was the actors. We had so many actors on set today that it was hard to keep them all wrangled, especially because they were in a very squirrelly mood. No matter how nicely or how forcibly I told them to shut the hell up, nothing worked. So I know hate actors ;) Not really but I have come to realize how annoying we can be. Sorry everyone who has ever had to put up with me as an actor!
This particular location required a hard-in and a hard-wrap. This was the first time that we were at this location and we weren't going to be allowed to come back. With this in mind we had to make sure that we were on schedule so we could go in, get filmed everything that we needed and get our butts out of their by 6 o'clock. But with everything running behind, getting everything filmed by 6 when we were going to get kicked out of this freaky place wasn't looking good. By the end of the day we had to cut one part of a scene because wardrobe was being a diva and we managed to wrap filming at 6:30 and then complete chaos broke out. Usually we allot ourselves an hour for a hard-wrap so we can get all the lights and props and equipment out of the set. But this time we only have 30 minutes to clear out before the club opened for dinner. Most of us were running around trying our hardest to make sure that we were out in time, which was very helpful. But then, as in life their usually are, people who feel that they are too important to help clean up the space in which we have been inhabiting all day. But whatever, karma.
I know you are all wondering, did you get out on time?!?! Ha, I'm sure you are all sitting on the edges of your seats but the answer is yes, we did get all of our crap out of the Supperclub by 7 but only to have it all sitting in the street because the vans that we were supposed to load all the the production equipment into was MIA. But we were out and all we had to do was just stand their and wait for our ride, the least stressful part of my day. When the vans finally arrived and we loaded everything into them and Marie and I walked back to the Rembrandtplein Hotel. It was pretty to walk home because it was a way that I hadn't been before but it was REALLY cold, so I enjoyed the walk, but in a quick manner.
After this stressful day I decided to head to Rotterdam with Matt. I really needed to do laundry because I was running out of clean things to wear...mainly in the underwear and socks department and Matt said that he wanted to make me dinner. I'm not going to pass up a meal and clean clothes! We ended up doing so much chatting back at his place that we didn't end up eating until after midnight. After my clothes were washed and dinner was done I caught the train back to Amsterdam.
Sidenote: Being on a film set is very similar to being in high school. People are nosy and rather immature and people talk and poke fun at you because you had dinner with the opposite sex. Scandalous I know! But when I have 45 year old men making fun of me, all I want to do is...................
But I did have a very lovely night!
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